Sow Farms

Thomas Livestock currently has three 5,500 head sow farms in production. Each sow weans 35 pigs per year, with 97 percent being sold at about 300 pound average. Each sow will produce over 10,000 pounds of meat per year on a live weight basis.

We will be breaking ground on a new 5,500 head sow facility in the spring of 2016. This system will be comparable to the last farm built in 2013. This farm will be a very modern state of art facility, with the most sophisticated electronic sow handling system in the world today. Sows are grouped in pens of around 280 head each.

The sows have a transponder that is able to be read in multiple locations within the pen. Her information enables a herdsman to micromanage her nutritional needs and monitor her weight and condition on a daily basis throughout her gestation period. The facility is computer controlled, and monitored with cameras. If anything malfunctions, a call alarm will go out to someone on duty to respond. In addition we have employees working in the building 24/7.

This facility has an operating budget of approximately 6 million dollars, which includes over 2 million dollars in feed costs, 1.5 million dollars in labor costs, 350 thousand in utility costs, and 150 thousand in property costs annually.


A wean to finish building site at today’s costs is around 2.3 million dollars. Many of these sites are owned by local farmers and ranchers. They are able to sign a long term lease with TLC to stock,. Manage and maintain their facility, while being able to use the waste as a natural fertilizer, replacing the needed nutrients in the soil for the next crop. This saves the farmer thousands of dollars per year, and also is better for the environment than commercial non-organic fertilizers he would have had to use


Thomas Livestock maintains a highly trained technical maintenance and construction staff, including welders, electricians, carpenters, mechanics, machinery operators, security and tech support. They are also responsible for general maintenance and appearance of our farm sites.

Feed Mill

Thomas Livestock’s feed mill is a modern technology driven system with customized programs to flag and help prevent mistakes. They make feed 24 hours a day, 5 days a week, and finish with a part day on Saturday. In 2016 the TLC will deliver over 8 million bushels of grain to the Thomas Livestock System. We currently are starting construction on a major expansion project that will double the capacity and output of our feed mill.


Administration includes the following positions.
– President
– Vice President
– Production Manager
– Wean/Finish Service Manager
– Farrowing Service Manager
– Office Manager
– HR Lead
– IT Lead
– Three administrative assistants
Tasks include: accounting record keeping, data entry, personnel records, and supplies for farms.

Thomas Livestock Company, Inc. 2015-2021 •